• White Trash Snack! Posted on February 16, 2015

    White Trash Snack! OK, I know what you’re all thinking. That’s not a very nice thing to say. Well I didn’t say it first.

    I’ve been making this stuff forever and when we moved to Georgia, hubby took some of this stuff to work and that’s what everyone there called it. So I’m just repeating them. And so do my kids now. Sorry. But it’s good stuff.

    And it makes sense to call this stuff trash since you basically throw everything in it, just like the trash. I mean all that leftover, hanging around the house, maybe not enough to fill a snack bowl kinda stuff.

    The only thing you have to have is some candy bark, candy melts, or chocolate.

    Click here to find this recipe: http://chocolatechocolateandmore.com/2011/11/white-trash/

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