• Homemade Drumsticks! Posted on July 05, 2015

    Homemade Drumsticks! I love Drumsticks Ice Cream Bars. I don’t love the price. Making your own at home is so much easier – and you can use whatever flavors you have on hand.

    Plus, you can make them with sprinkles. I love chopped peanuts, but man. I love my sprinkles too.

    The best part about making your own Drumsticks is how you can personalize them to your liking.

    But there is one thing you cannot skip when you’re making DIY Drumsticks: the chocolate tip. It’s just not a Drumstick without it! (Temper the chocolate if you want them to look professional).

    Click here for the recipe: http://www.crazyforcrust.com/2014/07/homemade-drumsticks/

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