Happy National Pickle Day! Thanks to Instructables, we can all enjoy this delicious dish.
There are only two ingredients for this sweet, tangy and refreshing creation:
Decorating your pickle is optional but its always fun to decorate. Be creative! You can decorate with M&Ms, gummies, licorice, jellybeans etc..
1. I suggest drying your pickles before coating with chocolate as the chocolate will get really runny. After you dry, Take a skewer and poke through the pickle in the middle.
2. Then place the pickles in the freezer and leave in the freezer for 45 minutes. If the pickles are still soft, leave in the freezer longer. If the pickles are really hard after 30 minutes, take it out and continue to Step 3. The softness and hardness depends on your freezer.
3. Temper your chocolate, once the pickles are taken out of the freezer, you need to do this step quickly. Coat all pickles with the chocolate and if you want to decorate, this would be a good time.
4. Place the pickles back in the freezer until you want to eat them. And enjoy. Please comment.
source: http://www.instructables.com/id/Chocolate-Covered-Pickles/?ALLSTEPS