The Skimmer

This demo video shows the The Skimmer in action.

Video Transcript

The Skimmer by ChocoVision, compatible with the ChocoVision Revolation X3210, Delta,3Z, and enrober. Here is a fully disassembled skimmer consisting of the belt, the bucket, the base, the motor, the splatter shield, and the power supply.

Place the belt on to the base. Place the bucket assembly on to the base aligning it with the belt. Lower the skimmer into the unit and slide the locking can to the right to secure it to the baffle.

Line up the motor with the axle on the base and rotate until set in place. Turn and tighten the locking knob. Secure the shield in place by lining up its slots with the lower base.

Connect the power supply to the rear of the motor and plug into a standard outlet. Turn the unit on. Notice the variable speed knob on the power supply which controls the flow of chocolate out of the skimmer.

Start only after the chocolate is fully melted and the bowl is rotating. Once the desired temperature is reached, you can begin molding, drizzling or enrobing.

The Vibe by ChocoVision is a great tool for removing air bubbles from molds.

Wash and dry thoroughly before the next use.